The Best Hikes in Hawaii: 8 Trails on Oahu, Kauai, and Big Island

Hawaii is a hiker’s paradise. During our camping trip on Oahu, Big Island, and Kauai, we hiked a large number of trails that took us from the rocky beaches of Waipi’o Valley to the jagged mountains of the Nāpali Coast. Here are the best hikes in Hawaii from our trip. Along the way, we’ll include some tips for some of the best Hawaiian food you can grab along the way!

Author: Jamie Bone

September 24, 2021

Oahu Hikes

1. Koko Head Crater Trail


Also known as the “Koko head Stairs”, this trail will give you quite a workout. This trail is one of several military lookout pillbox locations in Hawaii with railways to the top. The military used the trams to haul supplies to the lookout points. Abandoned now, the railways are used as hiking stairs to reach the abandoned military bunkers.

This being one of the shorter Oahu hikes, you’ll see views very quickly since you gain elevation so fast. The views from the top are windy and impressive.

When we were there, you could choose to volunteer to take materials up the stairs for repairs. After seeing very strong men and women carrying bags of gravel and lumber up the hillside when I could barely catch my breath carrying my own weight, I’m glad I decided against it. (Next time!)

Oahu Hikes - Kokohead Crater

Get there early. Parking fills quickly because this hike is popular. DennyandNikki have a full article on this trail.

Tip: While you’re on Oahu, don’t forget to stop by Ted’s Bakery for one of their chocolate croissants! Get there early because they sell out fast.

Round Trip Mileage: 1.6 miles

Elevation Gain: 885 ft

2. Kuliouou Ridge Trail


Located very close to Honolulu, this trail would be a fun one to put early or late in your itinerary. Of all the trails we did on this trip, I’d say this was one of the least trafficked. We saw a total of 4 people. We did this hike later in the day in order to catch the sunset. This trail winds through dense forest with steep inclines along the way. If it has been raining, then mud will probably be an issue. Once you make it to the spine of Kuliouou Ridge, you’ll continue to the summit where the views are rewarding.

Oahu Hikes - Kuliouou Ridge Trail

This was my favorite of our Oahu hikes. MadetoTravel has a full article on this trail.

Tip: Don’t forget to visit Helena’s Hawaiian Food for authentic local cuisine. Get menu D for a large variety.

Round Trip Mileage: 4.7 miles

Elevation Gain: 1,650 ft

Big Island Hikes

3. Honokāne Nui Overlook

Big Island

This trail starts at the Pololu Valley Overlook. The trail quickly descends to the valley floor. Many people stop here at the beach, which is beautiful. The water at the beach is notoriously dangerous and there is no lifeguard on duty. So it should only be attempted by experienced swimmers and surfers.

Best places to hike on Big Island - Honokāne Nui Overlook

As you hike to the Eastern side of Pololu Valley beach, the trail continues away from the shore to the overlook.

This was our best hike on the Big Island. Route of Adventure has a full article on this trail.

Tip: As you’re hiking Big Island, don’t forget to pick up some Kona coffee! We got ours from Rooster Farms. They give you a tour and tastings! Peaberry dark roast was my favorite!

Round Trip Mileage: 3.2 miles

Elevation Gain: 1200 ft.

4. Kilauea Iki Trail

Big Island

You descend through lush rainforest to a flat black panel that was once a lava lake. With their beautiful red flowers, Ohia trees stick out of the black lava, creating a dynamic landscape. The Puʻupua‘i cinder cone erupted in 1959, creating 1900 feet of volcanic activity in the air. This trail shows the leftover remains of this eruption and the recovering vegetation.

Best places to hike on Big Island - Kilauea Iki Trail

Parking may be limited. Check the national park website for your parking options.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park charges a fee to enter the park. For more information, click here.

Round Trip Mileage: 3.0 miles

Elevation Gain: 688 ft

5. Captain Cook Monument Trail

Big Island

Bring your snorkeling gear and extra water for this one! This trail takes you from the SW cliffs of the Big Island down to Kealakekua Bay, where we did some of our best snorkeling. You’ll also see the monument for the British explorer Captain James Cook.

Just rest up with a snack and some water before heading back up to the trailhead. The hike back up the hill is a doozy!

Theworldonmynecklace has a full article on this trail.

Round Trip Mileage: 3.8 miles

Elevation Gain: 1300 ft

Kauai Hikes

6. Kalalau Trail


Best Hikes in Hawaii - Best places to hike on Kauai - Kalalau Trail

If you’re looking for the best hikes in Hawaii, the choices are too many. But many people will tell you the Kalalau is the most popular.

The trail begins at Ha’ena State Park. Day hiking is allowed without a permit up to Hanakapi’ai Beach (2 miles from trailhead). Anyone proceeding from beyond that point is required to have an overnight camping permit. For more information, click here.

The sights on this trail are superb as you weave in and out of the rainforest to the rocky cliffs overlooking the Pacific ocean. An early start is necessary to beat the midday heat. It rained nearly all day on our return trip, which chased away the heat but brought some muddy challenges along the way. And of course, there’s the famous Crawler’s Ledge! I’d heard it wasn’t that scary and it really wasn’t. But I slipped on it and accidentally dropped one of my trekking poles in the ocean! Scary, because it could have been me!

Round Trip Mileage: 22 miles

Total Elevation Gain: 6,177

7. Waimea Canyon Trail


Waimea Canyon was called “The Grand Canyon of the Pacific” by Mark Twain. This trail takes you along the canyon down to Waipo’o Falls. Be aware, you’ll be on top of the falls, looking out to the canyon and this catches some people by surprise when they arrive.

This trail begins at the Halemanu trailhead and proceeds to the Canyon Trailhead. Mud will be an issue if it has rained recently.

Best places to hike on Kauai - Waimea Canyon Trail

Nikki at SheSavesSheTravels has a full article on this trail.

Tip: On your way to Koke’e State Park, stop by Taro Ko Chip Factory for some of their famous taro chips. However, don’t be sad if they’re closed or sold out. We tried 3x and never got our taro fix.

Round Trip Mileage: 8.0 miles

Elevation Gain: 1,066 ft

8. Awa’awapuhi Trail


This trail ends at a ridgetop overlooking Awa’awapuhi and Nualolo valleys. This trail gave us the best perspective on the Napali Coast because we could see the narrowness of the cliffs, which can be more difficult to see from below. The grandeur of this hike is indescribable. You simply have to walk out on the cliff and experience it for yourself! It’s easy to see from the picture why this trail is one of the best hikes in Hawaii!

It’s all downhill on the way in, which means it’s all uphill on the way back. John Peltier has a full post on this trail.

Round Trip Mileage: 6.0

Elevation Gain: 1,945 ft


I hope you’ve enjoyed our article on the best hikes in Hawaii. Hiking Hawaii can be an amazing experience. The terrain can be difficult, especially when wet. But these islands will reward your steps with some of the most glorious views of your life. Be sure to respect the native cultures, their land, and their rich heritage. Learn as much as you can before you go and it will make the experience much more fulfilling.

Keep an eye on our photo gallery for pictures from our Hawaii trip.

2 thoughts on “The Best Hikes in Hawaii: 8 Trails on Oahu, Kauai, and Big Island

  1. Wow! Must have been a killer trip! Canyon trail looked beautiful! But all your adventures there seem very rewarding! I got a chance to hike with Jamie and Sean this summer and had the adventure of my life! You won’t find better stewards of our mountains and forests than these two! They have such a love for nature and the trails they hike. I am blessed and honored to be their friend!

    • It was a killer trip. You would have flipped for all of these trails. And you would have loved every second of it! Can’t wait to see you soon, my friend.

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